Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Netflix arrived with:
1. I love you man-- Started watching this one night when we got home from Coachella and it was funny! But I was so tired I didn't finish it.
2. The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus- I've been waitng for this!
3. The Young Victoria

Show I wish I could DVR: Shark Tank. I recommend this to anyone old and young, pink or blue.

Shows I do DVR: Grey's Anatomy new episode starts this week! and Real Housewives of NYC of course.

When I get married, if I ever get married!!!!!! jk.... yes there is pressure Mr. IV! So when I get married, I think I want to start seeing a couple therapist right away, just to be safe and make sure that everything is being exposed and thouroughly talked about so we don't start accumulating junk! I think it will be the best investment, besides my LG washer and dryer with steam options which will also keep my marriage at 100% optimization.

Monday, April 26, 2010