I think Ivansito and I have swine flu. Well I don't really know but we are a little under the weather since today. We had a very nice romantic dinner in the back of the 4runner at in-n-out burger, followed by a movie at the Laemmle on Sunset Blvd... we watched New York I Love You, which I highly recommend! Its so good. So many good movies lately, I will start writing them down. Here's a few I will be queueing into my Netflix:
Rock the Boat
Public Enemy
The Time Traveler's Wife
Paper Heart
Whip it
The yes men fix the world
and books by Joseph Stiglitz to stem away from fashion reading.
Sorry I have been MIA this weekend, Ivansito is here and I am trying to soak him up. And as soon as he leaves I have a lot of school work to finish up. Hopefully we aren't feeling sick tomorrow and we can enjoy the whole day. Mimitos.
mom dad I hope you are reading our posts.